Sunday 20 May 2012

Lisa Raleigh 30 day detox - Week one

I decided to partake in the Lisa Raleigh 30 day detox. Yes, crazy I know but to people who don't understand healthy eating and way of living; I am sure there are plenty of things that health fanatics do that you think are crazy.

Week one ( well actually this part of the detox lasts for 10 days) includes no meat, sugar, dairy, wheat or stimulants.
Say what? OMG!
But you know what? It has been easier than I thought. Even my boyfriend is doing it with me.
This week has been a combination of oats, boiled egg, lentils and quinoa with pesto, bean and rice salsa mix , fruit, fresh oven baked fish and guilt free potatoe wedges ( this was the boyfriends favourite and he ate this at nearly every meal).
I even took recipes supplied and added my own twist onto them to create some really yummy wholesome meals.

Eating healthy isn't about stopping your life; it is about choosing the right foods, ensuring you have time to prepare them and eating regularly.
The minute your food isn't prepared and you rushing, this is when you reach for unhealthy "bad" food.
We actually look forward to cooking our meals now and cannot wait to eat the freshness and taste of the food.

I am already feeling healthier internally, not craving sugar as much as I used to and feeling more energetic.
The down side is that eating this way is a bit more pricey on the wallet pocket but in the long run it is so worth it. And if you happen to go somewhere where there is no healthy food ( like the baby shower I attended yesterday and there is no healthy food ) I cheated but it was 3 things and now I'm back on track.

Well, my fresh potatoe and leek soup is brewing on the stove so I will leave you with this...
Try the detox. What do you have to lose besides the toxins in your body and a few percentages of fat?

LaurenLeigh cc

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