Monday 20 February 2012

You never too old to learn...

Yesterday's post in hysteria, tiredness and sheer lack of being a google friendly person so early in the mornng had my friend and I with seriously crossed wires.

Yes, I learnt and love Pinterest this weekend, but I did not go venturing to Zara. My dear friend had her names mixed up and we in fact met at Java. Simple mistake as the place where Java is now, used to be called Zara coffee shop.

I should have checked google ( as I usually do) before blogging but it was a Sunday morning and sheer exhaustion and excitement had overtaken my brain.
So you are never too old to learn something new everyday. Or google it.

In other thoughts, tomorrow my real live Pinterest will be up and running. For those of you who don't know, I have decided to make a real pin board for our house. Somewhere the boyfriend and I can leave ideas, things we love, notes are subtle hints about the gifts we would like.
Just to add some creativity to our already busy but little flat.

I will keep you posted....oh and dont forget about the giveaway here. Only a few days left to enter!!!

LaurenLeigh cc

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