Saturday, 10 September 2016

Creating capacity

As human beings we have created a saying of "I'm too busy" or " flip I'm stressed". And perhaps that is why we choose to put certain things off. Things we don't see as urgent or important but things we actually enjoy doing.
Things like me getting back into blogging. Something I haven't had capacity or time for in the past 2 to 3 years according to the voice in my head ( yes we all have one...I'm not crazy).

After recent personal and sad events of loosing a friend, which I will blog about when I can manage the conversation, I have decided that with the access to information and technology the above excuses can no longer suffice.
Here I am writing this blog on my phone while sitting in the slow lounge of the airport. How is that not easy?

It really is about how you look at time or situations and the lens you choose to view your life through. If you choosing the stressed eric lens then that is all you will ever experience in your life.

However, if you choose the lens that gives you capacity and time to fit more into your will find you become a happier person who can actually get more done.

So I'm back to blogging. Officially. And I'm excited to share my life and adventures with whom ever chooses to read them.

Laurenleigh x